Our Products

We are innovative, and always working on products that enhance the lives of people in our community in one way or another. We aim to make life easier for everyone. Take a look at some of our innovative solutions.


Mumiabi Content Management System & ERP Solution

The Mumiabi CMS and ERP system allows small companies to quickly create and set up an online presense as well as manage their day-to-day business affairs. The Mumiabi CMS can scale up to the needs of any small to medium-sized business.



Utushimi is an online book store that targets Zambian authors. It allows them to show case their work and sell it to an eager audience. It's aim is to allow authors to publish with little to no budget and make money from their talent. Continue to Website

Quick Web Apps

KC Checkout for Sellers

KC Pay is an online store and product checkout service for sellers that is a convenient and secure way to sell your goods and services online. With Kc Pay, we have made it ridiculously easy for you to sell online. Our service integrates reliable payment processors with built-in security features to protect your sensitive information. You can easily track your sales history and manage your account through our user-friendly platform. With our service, you can sell your goods and services with confidence, knowing that your transactions are secure and hassle-free. Register Now

Quick Web Apps

Quick Web Applications

Need a web application? Our service 'Quick Web Apps' delivers complete web application that meets most needs with regard to record management, reporting, inventory, online sales etc. If you need a web application to be delivered quickly, we are here to meet your need. Complete solutions are delivered within 2 weeks. Request a Quote